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Every day, we hear talks of empowering people. There are talks about women empowerment, talks about empowering people with disabilities, minority groups. In fact, talks about empowering just about anybody worth empowering in society today.
Empowering everyone is the norm except perhaps to this particular group of people. Theirs has been a silent battle, with people making very little noise about it.
Despite it being life threatening, it is yet to be made a public health or social issue. Many prefer to just sweep it under the rugs of the taboo empire and forget of its existence.
When I found that niche and decided to join the blogging platform in a bid to raise awareness about this high risk life condition, I had misgivings about venturing into unchartered waters.
It was quite thrilling to visit the Etoug-Ebe Baptist Hospital, Yaounde and discover they have a Sickle Cell Clinic going on there for some few months now. I was like Yuppi! Let’s make some noise! Perish the taboos talks and make some noise!!
I was super excited. Even more so when I met the doctor in charge and some sickle cell patients attending the clinic.
When asked what motivates her to coordinate and run such a clinic despite her busy schedule, Dr Acha Solange responded with a heartwarming smile. She said empowering warriors to live happy and productive lives and to be able to help alleviate their pains as much as humanly possible is her driving force.
Again, when asked why the lack of awareness on this life threatening issue, she responded by saying it is because there is no known recognized association for sickle cell patients. She is more than willing to team up with anyone ready to form such an association.
To her sickle cell warriors have;
- The right to live happy and productive lives as every other person.
- They have the right to dream and aim high irrespective of their condition. By this token, she means they should be able to think about a future devoid of the fear of dying due to sickle cell. Or wanting to help around the house but being treated like a porcelain vase which can break at anytime.
- Have the right to live normal lives without the constant reminder of their condition but still having that conscious awareness of what steps to take or avoid for the quest for a best possible life.
The list goes on. One thing remains clear. This good Dr is out to empower sickle cell warriors to take whatever conditions life dishes out to them and she is doing so with the help of this sickle cell clinic. There were noticeable signs of better health with the patients that come to the clinic and follow the clinical appointments religiously. For a fact, empowering someone gives them the assurance that they can go out there and conquer the world.
The clinic comes up every second Friday of the month. The next Clinic will be on Friday, November 13th, 2015. If you know any sickle cell warrior who can benefit from this program please note the date down and help them get empowered.
It is truly heartwarming to see dedicated and committed health personnel joining the fight not only to care for warriors but also to raise awareness. This goes a long way to help these warriors embrace and live their lives with confidence, without fear of the dread of stigma that still clouds the minds of many people in our society today.
Great job Dr Solange Acha and team.
She can be contacted through any of these email addresses;
Keep making some noise! Let’s empower our warriors!!
Your comments inspire me. Please read, share and drop a line.
ARREY E. AGBOR-NDAKAW.{loadposition socialshare}
Keep up the good work and the well written articles spearheading the cause. Will be reading them every time I stumble upon them.
Thank you Bertrand, Thank you for reading always and dropping a line. Will be looking forward to more of you on this page. Thank you.
Yuppi! Baptist hospitals are known for championing good causes like this. More power to Dr. Solange and her team. This is quite enlightening, Sis.
Yuppi and more power indeed to her and her team. You are right the Baptist Hospitals are known for championing good causes. Thank you for always stopping by sis.